Using mapping to integrate University and city centre
The University wanted to adopt Newcastle's city centre walking map so that it could become a more integral part of the city. fwdesign was asked to extend the existing boundary to encompass the university and then build a suite of maps suitable for print (hand-held), digital and on-street applications.
Having reviewed the existing walking map, we re-established the information hierarchy with a University focus. Links to and from the city centre were vital to ensure a seamless journey, so key city landmarks and transport links were prioritised. In total, four mapping tiers were produced to support the various modes and applications, including a region overview.
We also created a hand-held campus guide with supporting on-street wayfinding information graphics. These were applied to an off-the-shelf signage system of wall-mounted signs, fingerposts and monoliths that can be easily updated as required.
Stakeholder consultation ensured a holistic approach to both city and university wayfinding, with an aspiration for our solution to roll out across the city centre.